Wednesday, June 6, 2012

State Storytelling representatives meet in NSW: Working towards a National Association 2012

Following the Sydney International Storytelling Conference organised and hosted by Australian Storytelling (NSW) , some of the Australian delegates stayed behind for a meeting to discuss furthering the cause of a National Association. Its hard to take interesting photos of a meeting but for those who couldn't be there ... Gael Cresp and Bettina Nissen did a spectacular job of keeping a rowdy mob in order.

We actually made some unanimous decisions and in our excitement had a group hug!

When it was all over Gael Cresp and Anne E. Stewart collapsed in a heap!

  • The vote in favour of a National body was unanimous - to be known as Storytelling Australia. It was further agreed ...
  • to begin work on a draft constitution
  • to spend no more than $1000 of the seeding money to pay a web developer to set up and implement a design for the National body and 
  • a decision was made about the logo.