Wednesday, June 6, 2012

International Storytelling Conference 2012

Hosted by Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW), this Conference featured storytellers from around Australia as well as New Zealand, the USA, Canada and Singapore. The keynote speaker was the charismatic Diane Ferlatte from the USA.

Victorian delegates included, Clare Coburn, Kate Lawrence, Anne E Stewart, Jackie Kerin and Gael Cresp. 
Vic workshop presenters:
Clare Coburn: Tell it from the heart: the power of story images
Anne E. Stewart: Putting our Voice on the Landscape (Storytelling and Culture)
Gael Cresp: Coaching for storytellers

Poster Sessions:
Kamishibai - paper theatre. Jackie Kerin 
Australia's National Curriculum: Focusing on the Environment. Anne E. Stewart

And of course the Vic contingent were not shy at getting up at the concerts and story circles.

The venue was in Balkam Hills at the St Joseph's Centre for Reflection, so we were not distracted by the call of Sydney nightlife! Rather we were woken at dawn by the songs of the butcher birds, magpies and noisy miners.

The NSW Guild are to be congratulated on a rich and well-planned program. Special thanks to Christine Carlton (below) and Cynthia Hartman.

Please enjoy some of the action as snapped by this roving reporter. You will see some familiar and well loved faces.
Daryll Bellingham (Queensland) enjoying a glass of red!

Lily Pang (NSW)     
 Alex McCullum (Qld)
Glenn Swift (WA)

So many memorable moments - but for now there is only time to give you a taste of the richness of the conference. Our OS guests ... were numerous but special thanks to Verena Tay, Meredith Bird Miller, Kamini Ramachandran, Goldie Spencer, Sheila Wee. And finally ... one of the highlights was the storytelling children. They were awesome!

I have left so many people and many experiences out of this report but I hope this gives you a taste of the weekend. One can blog on and on and on ...