Its that time of year folks!
Membership of Storytelling Australia Victoria provides
you with many opportunities to be involved in storytelling: - member discounts
- organisational support for projects that promote storytelling in Victoria
- voting rights to influence the direction of the organisation
- the opportunity to be listed as a storyteller on our website (for an additional fee)
- to promote your group
Membership runs from 1 November to 31 October. New membership applications received after 1 July will be valid for 16 months until 31 October of the following year.
Please go to our website and fill in the form and to complete your application pay with direct deposit, or print and complete the forms and post it with a cheque.
Annual fees for membership are:
Individual Membership - $30.00
Individual Concession Membership - $20.00
Family Membership - $30 (Up to 2 adults and 4 children)
Group Membership - $30
Visit our website and you will see us in action, subscribe to our blog for member news and events (free) and follow us on Facebook where we promote all the storytelling news we can muster from around the state