Looking forward to seeing many of you at this festival. Already several of our members have signed up as volunteers as well as contributing to events.
Work Shop: Telling Folk Tales
Facilitated by Kate and Dee
TIME: Saturday 11.30 - 1.00
WHERE: The Substation, Upstairs Studio
Open Floor: Stories by the Fire
Come and join Kate and Dee and share a tale (maybe one you learned at the workshop!)
TIME: 6.00 - 8.00
WHERE: Newport Scout Hall
Soup, chai and Cake will be served.
And look whose performing in: What Rhymes with Funnybone?
Alex Kharnam is stepping out from behind the camera and joining Alan and
Dave Davies in presenting a bunch of hilarious and possibly silly
TIME: 1.00 - 2.00
WHERE: The Substation, Upstairs Studio
Tickets: HERE
Thank you No Worries Curries for donating the chai for Stories by the Fire. Claudette, what would we do with out you?