Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Clare Coburn: Last Friday of the Month Story playshop: 26 July 2013--the heart of story

Dear lovers of story in all its forms

This week I found a way to slip in a powerful story about justice 'The Pear Seed' as part of some corporate training--maybe you told a story somewhere too? Stories can be ways to open our hearts and help us consider life from a fresh perspective.

The next Friday playshop will focus on coaching you as a storyteller--whether you're a new storyteller or an old hand--to explore possible paths to the heart of the stories you are telling, to stay in your heart when you're telling, and ways to more deeply engage the hearts of your listeners.

You may be telling a personal story from your own life, a traditional story you love, an anecdote you tell often, or something new you're exploring. You may be a 'public' or a 'private' storyteller or someone who just wants to connect with others who love sharing the power of story.

If you have one, bring along a story, I'll also have a couple of mini-stories that you can use if you don't have a story on the tip of your tongue or close to your heart.

This will be encouraging and gently stretching work and play, and you'll also have the pleasure of hearing excerpts of stories from other tellers.

When: Friday 26 July, 7-9.30pm and please stay for a cuppa afterwards
Where: 319 Auburn Road, Hawthorn
$25/ $20 (concession)

Bring yourself, a story if you have one, and your hearts and minds ready to hear other stories and to support and encourage other storytellers.

Please let me know if you're coming.

Also, I'm preparing for the Singapore International Storytelling Festival where I'm keynote speaker as well as offering a masterclass and workshop. Let me know if you know a good story about empathy. Lots of other amazing storytelling events in Singapore in the first week of September: http://www.bookcouncil.sg/sisf/2013/index.html


Clare Coburn

Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant 'To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart.'...Speaking from our hearts is what I think of as "ordinary courage.”

Bréné Brown

Last Friday of the Month Story Playshop more information HERE