Monday, November 28, 2011

Mentone Library: an Author for all Seasons.

Mentone Public Subscription Library from L - R Julia Reichstein, Jackie Kerin, Beth Cregan, Matteo.

Vic Guild member, Julia Reichstein, has played a significant role in supporting and promoting our storytellers and authors throughout 2011. As the co- ordinator of the Author for all Seasons program, Julia invited Matteo, JB Rowley and Jackie Kerin to speak about their work and tell stories to the Mentone community.

Our storytellers live dispersed lives scattered around Victoria and the strength of our relationship is largely maintained by phone, *skype, and email; it's a rare moment to find four of us under one roof!

Beth Cregan, took over our Facebook from Cindy Lee Harper earlier this year and here we are meeting her for the first time.

Thanks to Julia for not only including oral storytelling in the Mentone program but also for bringing us together in an non-virtual way. You can read more about JB, Matteo, Beth and Jackie by browsing the links on the left of this page where you will also find the link to (Beth's) Facebook.

*Skype Cafe: A reminder.

If you would like to meet us on skype, Gael Cresp is planning another Skype Cafe. All welcome.

To participate contact: