For those of you who couldn't join us for Peace of Heart
, a storytelling show in Macedon on Saturday 22nd September, here is a taste of the evening ...
Kate elegantly posing in front of the Mount View Theatre |
It was an unseasonably balmy night in Macedon when ten storytellers took to the stage of the lovely Mount Players Theatre to share stories of peace, where its found, how it comes and goes, how we seek it always and how hope for peace springs eternal.
Melvyn Cann setting the mood |
Reactions from the audience were warm and appreciative with this comment being made spontaneously on the Woodend Local Business networking Page: 'Had the most fabulous time at the Peace of Heart storytelling show at Macedon tonight. Thank you to the funny, brave, strong & talented storytellers. Can’t wait for the next one!'
Susan Davie with a poignant story from her nursing days |
Storytelling Australia Victoria hosted the night and we were very generously supported by Yasna Blandin de Chalain and Roger Farley, members of the Mount Players Theatre who volunteered their time to open the theatre, offer drinks and arrange the lighting and sound.
Yasna and Roger ready and waiting! |
Thank you also to all the amazing tellers.
Kate Lawrence
And thank you Kate for all the planning and to the Storytelling Australia Victoria storytellers who helped with front of house. Until next time ...