Monday, May 9, 2016

Fabled Nights in Newport 20 May 2016

May Fabled Nights in Newport
hosted by Storytelling Australia Victoria 
This is the second of 1001 Fabled Nights.

Want to be entranced by stories told in the oral tradition?
Want to fly with the witches, travel with the third daughter or count the gold with third son? Want to hear stories from this earthly plane – personal stories, historical tales and family fables? Want to craft and tell stories from your own urging voice, in the soft, warm and supportive firelight of the Newport Scout Hall?

Well you’re in luck because Storytelling Australia Victoria has a monthly storytelling night for any and all oral storytellers.

It’s not an open competition, just an open hearted space for all storytellers and story lovers. There will be space for ten people to tell their story of around 7 minutes. It is open to any and all genres of story.

We ask that kind hearts and common sense prevail - misogynist, racist and homophobic stories hurt people. Please don’t bring them to Fabled Nights.

DATE: 20 May
TIME: 7:30 PM - 10 PM 
PLACE: Scout Hall Market Street, Newport (opposite the Newport Substation and between the RSL and Bowls Club)

COST: $3.00 members $5.00 non members

There will be tea/coffee and biccies.
There are food venues in nearby Mason Street. Or feel free to bring some food and wine and make yourselves comfortable.