Saturday, August 1, 2015

WORDS IN WINTER: Odysseus with Peter Fernon 15 August 2015

Here’s to all you old gods
You are so far away
But you linger near
In the coolest shadows
And you breathe the moonlit air

Homer's second great epic is set after the war in Troy and focuses on one of it’s heros - Odysseus. Odysseus is tired of war and wandering. He wishes to return to his wife and son in Ithaca but gods and nymphs conspire to delay him. At last he is given refuge by some people who might help him but he's going to have to tell them a damn good story.

 click on image to enlarge

This telling of Homer's "The Odyssey" reduces a twenty hour epic to an hour and 10 minutes. Although it does not include every scene and episode, it tries to be true to the story as a whole and presents “The Odyssey” as a coherent unity. The great god Zeus, who is something of a gangster, oversees the progress of Odysseus while the other main storyteller is Odysseus himself, with the goddess Athena putting in an occasional appearance. There is some homespun theology as well as contemplation of the nature of marriage and hearth and a proposal that “refuge” lies at the very heart of what we mean by “civilization”.

Peter Fernon is a singer and storyteller who earns most of his money these days as a busker. He has worked as a storyteller for many years, first as a children’s storyteller, working mainly in primary schools and more recently as a storyteller for adults.

Other productions for adult audiences are “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, “The Wheel” ( a family saga ) “Doctor” ( the story of Trentham’s famous Dr Gweneth Wisewould ). “Holding Heaven and Earth Together” (about Trentham’s spud diggers”) "New World Dreaming' ( a story about Italian migration).

You can contact Peter at
Thank you for sharing your event with us Peter.
Full program for WORDS IN WINTER:  HERE

Here is Peter caught in action at a House Concert in Melbourne performing "The Epic of Gilgamesh".