Friday, August 26, 2011

Kamishibai news: Jackie Kerin and Bernard Caleo

Jackie Kerin (Vic Guild teller) and Bernard Caleo (comic-book illustrator and storyteller) have been sharing the same the Kamishibai built by Ted Smith from the Newport Fiddle and Folk Club. Superbly crafted, from recycled eucalyptus, dovetailed corners and brass fittings, the Kamishibai is appearing in festivals here there and everywhere.

Jackie has taken the Kamishibai to the regional festivals, Daylesford Words in Winter and Aireys Inlet Festival of Words. It was in Daylesford, as a guest of Vic teller Anne E Stewart, she was caught on film. By the fire, perched on the coffee table and in warm socks and ugg boots, Annie filmed Jackie sharing her story of Split Dog. Next appearance: Ballan Literacy Trail September 2. This tiny town will be transformed into a story town. Under the bull-nose verandahs and in the old vacant shops - storytellers will share their tales. Weather permitting, the Kamishibai will be mounted on the back of Jackie's bike - like the Japanese storytellers of old.

Bernard Caleo was interviewed and filmed by Michael Shirrefs for the ABC program Artworks.
You can see Bernard at the Melbourne Writers Festival where he will be running a Kamishibai workshop and launching a new comic book by Mirranda Burton, Hidden.
Learn more: MWF
Learn more: Artworks