Monday, March 7, 2016

Peter Fernon: 'DOCTOR', 11 and 18 March 2016

Vic storyteller, Peter Fernon is a resident of Trentham. He works as busker and is a familiar face in city and regional festivals and markets. Peter is a writer, musician, mask maker and puppeteer. In November 2015, he launched his CD 'Happiness', a collection of poems that he has turned into songs. These include the works of Rumi, Lo Po, Auden and Dylan Thomas (piano: Charles Affleck, violin: Melvyn Cann).

Peter's love of language and literature makes him a valued member of the 'Mahabharata Project' - a raggle-taggle collection of folks from around the world, gathered into a Facebook Group; the aim being to study and learn something of the great Hindu epic at a slow and steady pace. HERE

Read more about Peter HERE


Thank you for sharing your news Peter.