Anne E Stewart is preparing to head north again. This time she will be working at the State Library of QueenslandStorytelling Workshop with Anne E Stewart Friday 15th October 2010 10.00am – 1.00pm When Anne E Stewart started telling stories over 30 years ago it was all about developing a love of language and literature in young readers. But over the years she came to realise that storytelling caters to all ages and is an important tool for sharing cultural understanding, reflecting issues of social justice and supporting the unique makeup of various Australian communities. In this workshop Anne will talk about these aspects while providing practical advice on developing programs for libraries. She will tell of the knowledge she has garnered working with indigenous stories and offer protocols she has developed over many years. The basics of storytelling will be explained and supported by an exploration of various libraries and their unique resources and clientele. Anne is passionate and enthusiastic about her work and will inspire participants to develop their own storytelling skills and programs. “Not a clever sharing of the mind alone, but rather a sharing of heart and spirit” Ruth Sawyer The Way of the Storyteller Anne will also be part of the State Library of Queensland – Stories in the Parkland marquee at the Queensland Multicultural Festival, Sunday 17th October 2010, Roma Street Parkland. When - Friday 15th October, 2010 Where - The Studio, Level 1 - State Library of Queensland Time - 10.00am – 1.00pm (the workshop will be followed by lunch) Cost - Free RSVP to Lyn Thompson by the 8th October 2010. Ph: 07 3842 9979 |