Elf Winter
Report on Elf Winter / Leaf Fellow’s Eve: July, Folk Federation Centre, Adelaide
Storytelling & songs from fey minstrel Louisa John-Krol (guitar, mandolin, voice)
Bron Lloyd (hurdy-gurdy, voice), Kim Brown (bouzouki), Adrienne Piggott (voice),
Brett Taylor (keyboard), Samantha Taylor (flute), Liam & Skye (percussion, ocarina)
culminating in mythic folk-rock band Spiral Dance, whirling us through a tempest!
A sweet gathering of our ancient fey tribe ‘twas indeed! People of all ages dressed for the occasion, some joining me on stage with chimes and cuddles.
Why access fantasy only through films or computers: cut off from nature and communities? I cherish oral storytelling, poetry recital, dance and communion between all generations and faiths. We evolved to gather round fires and rings, singing while tilling, harvesting, sailing, herding, washing and weaving.
In rejuvenating myths and legends, we recover our humanity.
To those of you who attended Elf Winter, thank you with all our spirits.
May the elves kiss you on the brow of Dreaming.
Spiral Dance
Paul Gooding (accordion), Nick Carter (electric guitar), Rick Kearsley (drums),
Adrienne Piggot (vocals), Hayley Purcell (violin), David Bentley (bass)
We reunite at these 2010 shows:
Witches Ball, Sat 2 October, Sydney
Feline Faery Fest, Fri 10 & Sat 11 December, Melbourne
Summer Faery Ball, Sat 18 December, Adelaide
Spiral Dance, fresh from touring USA, play at the Spirit of Albion
& Woodford Folk Festival.
Louisa has released several albums, mostly on French faerie label: www.prikosnovenie.com
She’s performed at Faerieworlds in Oregon & Trolls et Legendes, Belgium.
“On the day when the green fields
Are a colony goldenly ruled by Apollo,
May the sensation we have of life
Be a dance within us.”
Spiral Dance : http://www.spiraldance.com.au/?Spiral_Dance
Louisa John-Kroll : www.louisajohnkrol.com/
Louisa is based in Melbourne and her relationship with the Vic Guild goes back many years.