Program for Saturday 9th October 2010
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8.45 a.m. Arrival and registration, tea, coffee and chat.
9 a.m. Workshop: Stimulating Storytelling with Cindy-Lee Hunter Harper in Room 1
Storytelling fun to light your story fire.
11 a.m. Morning tea (provided)
11.30 a.m. Workshop: Adventures in Rhyme, Song and Story with Cindy-Lee Hunter Harper and Imelda Evans in Room 1
Storytelling skill development for those working in early
childhood education or with little ones to tell tales to.
1.30 p.m. Lunch (visit Emerald’s cafés or BYO)
3 p.m. Story Café in the Theatre Bar. Featured Teller: Imelda Evans plus chalk board to try out your story. Snacks available to purchase.
5 p.m. Dinner at local café or restaurant
7.30 p.m. Storytelling Theatre: pre-show drinks available from bar.
7.45 p.m. Show: The Colours of Hope
Cindy-Lee Hunter Harper specializes in early childhood education and teaching storytelling. Stimulating Storytelling will fire up your imagination, stir up existing skills and develop new ones through storytelling games. Adventures in Rhyme, Song and Story is a program for those living or working in early childhood education. Working with Cindy-Lee, Imelda Evans has spent years teaching Adventures which is perfect for playgroup leaders, child care workers, kindergarten teachers, parents, grand-parents, librarians and anyone who wishes to share the joy of story with the young.
Workshops: $100 per wkshp Story Café: $5 per person The Colours of Story: $10 per adult Whole Day: 2 workshops, Story Café and Theatre performance: $180 per adult
Places limited. Please book asap. www.cindyleeharper.com.au
0488 48 00 45 harperstoryschool@bigpond.com
The Gem Arts and Community Theatre, 19 Kilvington Drive, Emerald, Victoria, Australia 378